Parent Community

At Ridgeview, we aim to cultivate the minds of the entire community. To foster parent involvement, we offer a number of activities throughout the year. Two Parent Book Groups meet weekly and monthly to allow parents to participate in intellectual conversations about educational philosophies, short stories, and important pieces of literature. We also host a Colloquium series in which students, faculty, parents, and local community members come to share their knowledge across interests and disciplines.


Parent Reading Groups

Ridgeview's parent reading groups are an opportunity for parents to come together and read and discuss the texts that have informed the development of Ridgeview's curriculum. We offer two reading groups: the weekly group meets on Wednesdays at 8:15am and reads excerpts chosen by the Headmaster. The second reading group is monthly on Friday mornings at 8:15am and reads short texts from the Ridgeview Bookshop.

Visit the calendar for the Monthly and Weekly Parent Reading Group schedule.

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Parent Highlights